every word at the inspiration of my dear sai baba. Every thought is a chance to get closer to Sai,the divine bliss.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
gajanan maharaj appearance day

Those who have realized the Sat -i.e. the truth are called Sadguru.
Those who can guide and take others to the Truth are Sadguru.
Sadgurus are also referred to as Teertha.(Holy places of pilgrimage)
Mother, father act as initial Gurus in the life but the final master is Sadguru who leads to liberation.
A Guru is merely capable of guiding and indicating a finger towards the principles of Satya Dharma.
Sadguru alone can lead a disciple to the ultimate state of 'Self-realization'
One should know, what to ask for when one is in the presence of a Sadguru.
Those who can lead one to the truth without any expectations alone are called Sadguru.
One does not have to hunt high and low from place to place for Sadguru.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I have lost my horses
Oh mere Sai,
Chand patil had lost his four legged horse.His search was not in vain because had he not lost his horse and had he not been searching for it he would have not found you on the way.Without any effort you got his horse back. Not only did he get his horse back but also had the chance to see your powers that are so naturally imbibed in you- the inacarnate of love.

Friday, February 3, 2012
Sai Constitution-Happy Republic day
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
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